Thursday 30 July 2015

Children's Yoga

Have you seen your childhood? –Michael Jackson

I bought a copy of this book in India for
400 Indian Rupees. Picture from Amazon.
I grew up in a Methodist Church where Sunday school and choir is alive. I grew up where music and dance covering my entire childhood that I learned to appreciate arts. I grew up knowing that I have so many relatives that are in the field of teaching. I grew up knowing that someday I will become a teacher too.
After graduating, I’m lucky enough to get my first teaching job. I was able to teach in a Thematic School where every month we need to change theme with the lesson and decoration in the classroom. Every Friday we have costume day or ‘Fun Friday’ and we celebrate a certain theme on that day.

After my experience in the Thematic School, I flew to Singapore and started a new journey. I found a new home away from home. I’ve been teaching here in Singapore for 4 years now. I am blessed to teach things that I love to do like gymnastics, theatre and music. Two years ago, yoga is one of my subjects but unfortunately the Head Quarters of the school merged yoga to gymnastics.
As a pre-school and yoga teacher, I want to showcase the benefits and difference of yoga to gymnastics. 

The goal is to let the parents know that yoga can help active children to learn to become calm and still. Yoga can help children to be familiarize with their own body. Yoga connects the mind, body and inner self of not only children but also adults. 

I am hoping that someday I will be able to teach children’s yoga and eventually create my very own Children’s yoga book like Marsha Wenig, Swati Chanchani and Rajiv Chanchani.
I believe practicing yoga is one way to celebrate the beauty and essence of childhood.

I bought a copy of this book in India for 500 Indian Rupees.
Picture for Printrest
With my previous student and her easy peasy pose!


Wednesday 29 July 2015

Still Standing - Vegetarian Diet

Surviving and getting used to it...

Plain Dosai
It's almost 2 months that I am practising vegetarian diet. I am getting the hang of looking for vegetarian food on the internet and finding a vegetarian restaurant here in Singapore which I always end up going to Little India for a safer vegetarian dish. Thanks to the Singapore Vegetarian Society on Facebook, the members are really kind to share their vegetarian ingredients and uploading pictures of new vegetarian restaurants and stalls in the island.
Until now I can't believe that I am surviving without eating meat, considering my favourite dish back then was fried chicken and boiled egg. At the moment I love to eat vegetarian pasta, at home I always have potatoes, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, broccoli and different kinds of fruits on my plate. While in the Indian Vegetarian restaurant, I'm becoming fond of eating plain Dosai and of course my favourite Naan. After the meal I always make sure that I have Indian sweet delicacies! I haven't tried any Chinese, Malay nor Western Vegetarian Restaurants, I hope I'll be able to find one near my place here in Somerset.
Choosing vegetarian diet is a good decision, I feel that my body is healthier and lighter. Now I'm practicing Lacto Vegetarian diet, it means I'm still eating dairy products (but I only cheese) and I hope eventually I'll be able to avoid cheese and other dairy products too.
If you know any vegetarian meal, ingredients that I can use and new vegetarian restaurants here in Singapore, kindly message me! Namaste.

My Current Favourite Vegetarian Restaurant near the 24 hours Mustafa Centre

Vegetarian Burger + Sweet Delicacies + Lime Juice

My First Vegetarian Meal in Singapore
Home Made Pasta and Fruit Shake


Monday 27 July 2015

"Marma Massage"

MASSAGE good for the body and mind.

Guna and Mili during my Yoga Graduation Day.
Mili performed Indian Classical Dances and Guna
became our official photographer and technical assistant.
Have you heard of Marma Massage? When I was in Rishikesh, India, I was able try some really good relaxing 'massages'. During my stay in the country, I met a young couple who are very friendly and humble. They offer Marma Massage, this massage is an ancient form of therapy that focuses on the 'marma points' of the body. It is believed that each point is connected to the mind and different parts of the body.

In my personal view, marma massage is not relaxing (well you can relax and rest after but not during the therapy) for me it's very intense that it removes the over stretch in your muscles and it cracks your aging / stiff bones. I believe that this massage is really good for athletes, dancers and people who are working and sitting for standing for hours.

Guna massages guys and ofcourse Mili is for girls. This young couple did not only study and practice marma massage for more than 4 years they also teach (mat) yoga, acro yoga, pole yoga and contemporary Indian dance and classical Indian dance.

They are indeed fresh and talented. They are one of the reasons why I want to visit Rishekesh again. If you are in this beautiful place or planning to visit, I hope you'll consider their 'Marma Massage' and some dance / yoga classes, don't worry it's very affordable!

Indian Traditional Dance - Picture from Mili's Facebook

Acro Yoga - Picture from Guna's Facebook

 Leave a comment if you want to have a contact number of them. Thank you! 

Saturday 25 July 2015

Yoga For All : Hatha Yoga - Surya Namaskar

Yoga is for those who are willing...

Yoga is for everyone. Whatever body size you have, yoga is for you! You can practice yoga anytime, anywhere. You can practice alone, with your friends, parents, aunt, uncle, grandparents and even with your animals. Yoga is definitely for everyone.  BUT yoga is only for those who are willing to do the practice.

Some of us think that yoga is just about physical exercise. Practicing the body postures or the yoga 'asanas' is a part of the 8 Limbs of yoga.  According to Swami Sudhir Anand the founder of Shiva Yoga Peeth and the author of the book ‘Yoga Sadhana and the Secrets of Pranayama’ ‘Asana is a removal of unsteadiness of the body. Weaknesses of the body in any form can be removed through the practice of asanas.’

They say if you want to do something, you need to start somewhere.  I hope the video that I posted will be a tool for you to start your yoga practice. The video is Sun Salutation. Sun Salutation A has 12 asanas that move the body to different ways. Sun Salutation improves flexibility of the spine, hips and hamstrings. It strengthens and tones the muscles and it can reduce stress after a long day of work. Suraya Namaskar (the sanskrit name) is usually a warm up to awaken the body before proceeding to different asanas. I made this video a bit slowly so everyone can follow. Enjoy the practice and breath.
Feel free to ask some questions. Thanks for reading!

Thursday 23 July 2015

The Magic of Music and Yoga

Aum for joy, Aum for love, Aum for peace and Aum for hope.

Swami Sudhir Anand
I remember last year one of my teachers in Real Yoga Singapore sings meditation song after the class and he is always encouraging us to sing with him  or repeat after him. I will never forget the first time I heard him singing, I feel like I want to disappear because I can not follow the song and I can not pronounce any syllable or words. Since then when my teacher is singing, I don't follow him instead I just listen.

Everything changed when I had my Pranayama, Cleansing and Meditation classes  during my Yoga Teacher Training Course in Shiva Yoga Peeth in India. Our Pranayama and Cleansing Teacher, Swami Sudhir Anand who has a soft baritone voice. He always sing whenever we are in 'Savasana / Corpse Pose'. Imagine the breeze of the Mountains, sounds of the chirping birds, the flowing water of the Mother Ganges River and his voice that is as tender and as soft like a cloud in the sky. You will definitely feel his kindness and compassion through his voice. 

It is not only at morning  that we hear an angel's voice but also before we close our eyes at night. During the evening before we go to dinner, we have Meditation class with Rajkumari. Rajkumari has a very beautiful, humble and caring aura that also flows through her singing voice. When she sings we always feel cared and loved. This is also one of the most exciting classes because we need to cross the Mighty Laxman Jhula before we reach our Meditation Hall inside the Omkarananda Ashram. 

Every time I reflect about my yoga journey, smile always brushes my face. I'm so happy that I'm learning not only yoga asanas but also meditation / mantra songs, anatomy and yoga philosophy. I'm also grateful that I'm learning to understand more of my inner self.

Let me share to everyone some of my favourite Meditation / Mantra Songs sung by Deva Premal.

   My sentimental favourite - Yemaya Assesu

             The song that I want to hear every morning - Om Namo Bhagabate Vasudevaya

BACK PAIN: Go away and never return!

Strong and Bendy Back!

Therapeutic Bow Pose
During my Yoga Teacher Training, I’m blessed to have had an incredible anatomy teacher, one of the best discussions we had during the class was about back pain issues.

Back pain is very common to athletes, aging people, workaholics and dancers. Some common back pain these people experiencing are sciatica and slipped disk.

Relaxing Camel Pose

Sciatica is pain affecting the back and it moves all the way down to the hips and legs. Slipped disk is a pain and numbness of the side of the body, arms or legs; gives pain after standing, sitting and walking. It also weakens the muscles.

Our teacher gave us some yoga asanas that can be performed whenever these moments of unpleasant pain happens.  I hope the pictures will be a great help to everyone. 
Half Locust Pose

Full Locust Pose

Please visit healthline for more information regarding these issues.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Carnivore to (Lacto) Vegetarian

Going meat-free can make a huge difference. Studies show that vegetarians are, on average, 10 to 20 pounds lighter than meat-eaters and that a vegetarian diet reduces our risk of heart disease by 40 percent and adds seven or more years to our lifespan. 

-Ingrid Newkirk

Delicious food in Shiva Yoga Peeth
Growing up I always get scolded by my parents for not eating my vegetables. Back then I love to eat Fried Chicken, Boiled Egg, Tocino (caramelized pork), Beef Noodles, Adobo, Sinigang, Mechado among other meat dishes. My food never had any vegetable dish at all. 

When I started yoga 2 years ago, I found out that most of people who are practicing yoga are following vegetarian diet. Back then I told myself that becoming a vegetarian is impossible. I always think that vegetarian people were born the way they are and people can only be a vegetarian if their parents forced them to do it. 

Last month during my training in Shiva Yoga Peeth, I had no choice but to eat the Sattvic

diet. While in the Yoga Teacher Training journey eating vegetarian food 3 times a day became a habit, it became very easy for me to swallow the food and eventually enjoy eating.... It's a miracle! I  remember during my first week of only Yogic diet I felt very light, I felt like I was floating.

After the training I return back here in Singapore and promised myself to try my best to practice lacto vegetarian diet. Check the different Types of Vegetarian

All Images are from 'Oksana Asana's Facebook Account' 

Vegfriend article enjoy the news! 🙏 

Monday 20 July 2015

Why Back Bend?

Yoga is the fountain of youth. You’re only as young as your spine is flexible.

~Bob Harper

One of my stretching for the Bow pose

If there are those who love to do back bend asanas, for sure there is an equivalent number of people who are afraid to execute these poses. Why? Because they feel all the 'pain' in their bodies, others can't breath well and some don't feel comfortable.

Back bend is very beneficial, it builds flexibility and confidence. Practicing this method not only can give you a bendy body, but it can also build your inner strength. Back bending asanas enhances mostly the abdominal and back muscles, also the legs and quads during standing poses.

Camel Pose

The practice of back bending improves heart function, stimulates the digestive system, and boosts the respiratory system. While performing the asanas, it gives light massage to different organs in the body like the diaphragm, kidney, chest and throat.

After the practice, your body will surely feel light, free and open. You will be able to breath properly because of the chest and shoulders opening and of course you will have a very nice body posture.

Why back bend? Because it can help you from inside and outside. Practice and take care!

Wheel Pose variations

My favourite variation of Locust Pose

If you want to see some more stretching and technique how to deepen the backbend, kindly message me or comment below. Thank you, dear readers!

Rishikesh, India - The Yoga Capital Of The World

Life in the Holy Place

The Mighty Laxman Jhula
Two years ago in the studio, I saw a poster about a yoga retreat in Rishikesh – “The yoga capital of the world.” Because of the description of the place, I became curious and checked the internet why they called it a yoga capital. I found out that the mountainous region is very holy because of the Mother Ganga, the different celebrations and rituals happening, the Ashrams, the Yoga schools (which are literally everywhere), the local and the international tourists who’s visiting to meditate, practice yoga and do their pilgrimage.

Cows are everywhere!
Rishikesh is a simple but very vibrant town. You’ll see locals wearing their traditional clothes. You can also see cows and monkeys everywhere. There are also curious local tourists who have their picture taken with the westerner tourist. You can find very enthusiastic vendors, amazing ayurvedic and marma therapists. Believe it or not, during the night there are a lot of music jamming in the cafes, so if you are into music and you are planning to visit this place, bring your own instrument or you can buy at music shops so you can jam with them. 
1st International Yoga Day
During my first weekend, I was so blessed because the world celebrated its 1st Yoga International Day and I was in the Yoga Capital of the World! The whole Yoga Community of Rishikesh conducted a mass yoga activity near the Ram Jhula. Our school had a short spectacle in the town as part of the celebration.

I was able to visit 3 cafés and I found out that they are all offering vegetarian food (I’m not sure about other cafes). Along the street you can find jewellery, souvenir shops and clothes shops which are very cheap and you can still haggle for the best price.

During my last week, I was able to visit the Beatles Ashram. This place is abandoned but you can still see the beauty of the structures. The paintings inside the old hall are just simply incredible, you just want to sing some Beatles' song while checking out the art works. The place is so nice and I hope the government or the Swami who owned the property now will be able to rebuild the place again. And by the way, there is an entrance fee of 50 Rupees or 100 Rupees.

If you are planning to take a Yoga Teacher Training Course, Meditate or planning to have a tour in India, I highly recommend that you visit Rishikesh. 
Yoga Poses in one of the old buildings with Derek from Canada, Heather from USA and Kathrine from Norway

Strong grasshopper pose of Connie from Chile
Namaskar Mudra of Himalaya from Afghanistan
My Pincha Mayurasana on the stage

Cool rooms

 What can you say about Rishikesh? 

Saturday 18 July 2015

Practice and all is coming

Listen to yourself, stay focus and enjoy the journey.

Pigeon Pose
Some people can easily learn yoga asanas. They can balance on their heads or hands with ease and others can effortlessly put their legs behind their head. Yet there are those who have issues with their flexibility and strength. Because of this, extra effort needs to be done during the practice.

I always believe that when practicing an asana you need to put extra determination and energy to be able to perform these poses. However, one must remember not to compete with your own body. Yoga is not about opposing your abilities, it is about the journey and the story behind each successful and hard attempts. Yoga practice is always a time to know your inner and physical self. When you practice you’ll get to familiarize and understand your body. When you practice, you progress.
Dancer's Pose

Two years ago, I started to be ‘hooked’ in practicing yoga asanas. Most of the time I did not listen to my breathing, watch my alignment and nor did I have enough warm-up; I’m just too excited to try out some postures that I saw on Instagram or Facebook. Fortunately, I do have progress in my physical appearance but inside my body I don’t feel comfortable and it doesn’t feel good at all.

Watching some yoga videos on YouTube, consistent practice in the studios or at home and attending some trainings opened my heart to understand my inner self and physical self better. All of these things I would not have achieved if I did not put my heart and soul into practice and understanding the steps and dynamics of each of it. 

Wheel Pose

Locust Pose

Always remember to practice, don’t think of what you can’t do instead think of what you can do. Remember flexibility and strength is workable when you practice. Enjoy the journey and accept that things that you can do at the moment. Namaste.