Monday 12 October 2015

Yoga Workshop: Athletes and Dancers

Dios te salve colegio querido
Gloriati noble Centro Escolar
Del amor a la patria sanctuario
De la cencia triumfante solar.

Mientras puedan el himno sonoro
Del amor a sus almas cantar
Gritaran sus alumnus a coro
Gloria ti noble Centro Escolar.

Dios te salve colegio querido
Gloriati noble Centro Escolar
Del amor a la patria sanctuario
De la cencia triumfante solar.

Centro Escolar! Centro Escolar!

Centro Escolar University is not a new place to me. This pink walls of Mendiola, Manila in the Philippines became my home for 4 years. I was a cheerleader when I was in first and second year in college and during my third year and fourth year, I was the PRO of the University Student Council and became the President for my senior years.

I know what does it feels like to be a varsity player - practice after 5 pm, performances during school events and endless physical training every school holidays. During my stay in Manila last 9th to 11th of October, I was lucky enough to give workshops to my fellow Escolarians. Walking inside the familiar hallways made me smile. 

Savasana after the practice.
The first class that I had was with the Volleyball players. Sun Salutation and stretching was the main course that I gave to the team. I can still imagine and hear their 'ahhhhs' when they are trying to slide forward from Chaturangga to Upward Facing Dog. I salute them for attending the workshop after their Volleyball training.

Trying different variations of Pigeon Pose with the Folk Dance Troupe
The next class was the Back bend workshop with the very classy dancers of the CEU Folk Dance Troupe. These teenagers were given an amazing training with their Dance Master, Mr. Marciano Viri, that's why, I gave them extra scoop of back bend and hip opening exercises  - Pigeon, Locust, Dancer's Pose and Bow are the toppings of the practice.

Group Picture with the Pep Squad and Street Squad
And the last class was with the Pep Squad and Street Squad. Tumbling and Handstands are common skills that these athletes practice, so to make them work on their core strength and flexibility, I taught them how to execute different variations of headstands, forearm balances and arm balances such as Bakasana, Titibhasana and Koundinyasana. I did not realized that they will enjoy the whole process of the inversion class.

I came to the University with my yoga mat and knowledge about yoga. I finished the workshop and came home bringing the joy, energy, enthusiasm and experience from the Escolarian Athletes and Dancers. I hope that's not my first and last workshop with them. :) I hope that I can do more workshops to other young athletes someday! It was a great experience indeed.

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