Sunday 18 October 2015

Part I - Stronger Lower Body: LUNGE POSE

Since 2011 I am working here in Singapore and I can say that there a lot of guys who are really buff. I am no muscular myself but I know what a 'proportioned' body looks like. I 've noticed that there are few guys that have a very nice upper body with big guns and 8 packs which is really incredible! What 'amazed' me even more is that some of them do really have smaller thighs and legs compared to their upper bodies.

I am not here to criticize or judge. I am here to share some simple asanas that will help these hunkies to have a better and toned lower body especially the thighs and legs.

For sure most of yoga practitioners will agree that Lunge pose or Anjaneyasana is not only good in stretching the hamstrings, quads and hips it also strengthens the thighs and legs.

You can do different variation of these poses. Remember, don't fit the pose into your body, let your body fit the pose. Relax and do what you can do.

If you are a beginner, try the most easy low lunge. Hands rested on the mat or hands up over your head. Feel the stretch in your hips, hamstring and quads.

If your back, chest and shoulders are open, try to do simple backbends or deep opening of heart as you wish as long as you are comfortable.
Don't forget to do twisting after backbend, twisting poses are good counter stretch for the back.

After getting the hang of Low Lunge Pose, try the High Lunge for more intense strengthening of lower body muscles.
Remember, find your balance and focus. You can do different variations of High Lunge according to your capabilities. There are different variations of backbends, forward bends and twisting for this pose.

Listen to your body, don't forget to breathe. Some of you might experience breathing hard during twisting pose, it is because the upper  body is not yet fully open enough to create spaces for chest to breath comfortably.

Feel free to comment or suggest. See you all again next time for the Part II of this article. Namaste.

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