Thursday 29 October 2015

Part III - Stronger Lower Body: UNBREAKABLE CHAIR POSE

Do it light and comfortable.

Chair pose or Utkatasana is very popular in Yoga and Pilates. This asana strengthens the lower part of the body specially the thighs, ankles and calves; it also strengthens the spines. Utkatasana stimulates the heart and abdominal organs.

Chair pose is not so easy for me but I always give my best to do all the necessary adjustments to get the good benefit of this pose. This might be difficult for those who have tight hip flexors and super bendy back benders.

There are different variations on how to do the chair pose. But always remember these three very important requirements when executing the pose: 1. Always suck the belly in towards the spine 2.Tuck in the tailbone (which is very difficult for me) 3. Try to maintain the knees parallel to the feet.

Let me share to everyone the different variations of Utkatasana.

The classic Utkatasana.

 If you are having a hard time to raise the hands, put them down.

Take it to the next level, raise your heels up.

Once you felt the cramps or numbness, let go and release the pose. Always remember when practicing  do it light and comfortable. Namaste.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Dream Yoga Book

Quotes from the Amazing Dr. Seuss.

I am a Preschool Teacher during the day and a Yoga Teacher when the evening comes but my love for children is from 360 degrees,  from Monday to Sunday, 24/7, 525 Thousand 600 Minutes, 365 days.

I always dream of having my own Yoga Children's book and slowly I'm 'doing' the dream. Recently, I managed to asked the permission of some of the parents in the school if I can take a picture of their child doing yoga poses. I'm lucky enough that so far I received positive feedbacks.

They say the first part of the journey is the hardest. I can feel the need for so many things in making my dream into reality. I'm asking some of my friends who are in the business. Journalist, Illustrators, Photographers, Designers and of course the powerful internet.

I am hopeful of finishing this Children's Yoga Book. I know it's not easy. It might take years of work, well I hope before my age deteriorates, I will be able to publish this dream.

For now, Let me share some cute pictures of my students.

Arya and her Bow Pose.
Yin Ci in Cow Face Pose

Leonard in Bridge Pose.
I hope I will get more support from my 'school' parents, family and friends. Namaste.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Yogasana Check: Chakra Bandhasana

October 25, 2015
 A miracle happened after 2 weeks of Yoga absence because of fever.

Yoga teachers will always tell you, 'practice and all is coming'. I believe that and always will. I never imagine that full wheel pose will come to my practice in 2 years of my yoga journey. Now, I'm almost practicing nearly 3 years and I did not expect that I was able to grab my ankles from hanging my hands.

For some, my progress is very slow and for others it is tremendous hard work. But for me, its just fine.  I always rush to an asana when I first started yoga but now I learned that taking it slow will help you to move even more forward.

Practice yoga for your own inner self and soul. I am not practicing these advance poses because I will join a competition, I am practicing these poses because I know they have good benefits in my body. Yoga was not created to hurt humans, yoga was created to help humans.

 Practice the asanas for their amazing benefits and be happy. Namaste.

Friday 23 October 2015

Part II - Stronger Lower Body: THE GREAT WARRIORS


The Warriors of yoga are definitely the most classic and remembered yoga asanas. These poses are not so easy especially when they are included in a yoga flow.
I personally love to teach these poses because it gives total work out to the body.
The requirements are not so easy that you need to engage every part of your body.
  • Both heels should be grounded on the floor. (except for Warrior III)
  • Finger tips, arms and shoulders should be engaged.
  • Legs, quadriceps, hamstrings and thighs should be working to maintain the posture.
  • Tuck in the tailbone and suck the belly in.
  • Finally, BREATHE.
These asanas will surely give you a toned body especially the legs and thighs.
Warrior I
Make it a 'Humble' Warrior to stretch the hip flexors. Try to rest the forehead on the floor and raise the arms up towards front.

 Warrior II
Reverse Warrior II to stretch the sides, front and back of the body.

Warrior III
You can either point or flex the toes. To make it more fun, square the hips!

 I will definitely make a part III of this article. God bless us all! Namaste.

Sunday 18 October 2015

Part I - Stronger Lower Body: LUNGE POSE

Since 2011 I am working here in Singapore and I can say that there a lot of guys who are really buff. I am no muscular myself but I know what a 'proportioned' body looks like. I 've noticed that there are few guys that have a very nice upper body with big guns and 8 packs which is really incredible! What 'amazed' me even more is that some of them do really have smaller thighs and legs compared to their upper bodies.

I am not here to criticize or judge. I am here to share some simple asanas that will help these hunkies to have a better and toned lower body especially the thighs and legs.

For sure most of yoga practitioners will agree that Lunge pose or Anjaneyasana is not only good in stretching the hamstrings, quads and hips it also strengthens the thighs and legs.

You can do different variation of these poses. Remember, don't fit the pose into your body, let your body fit the pose. Relax and do what you can do.

If you are a beginner, try the most easy low lunge. Hands rested on the mat or hands up over your head. Feel the stretch in your hips, hamstring and quads.

If your back, chest and shoulders are open, try to do simple backbends or deep opening of heart as you wish as long as you are comfortable.
Don't forget to do twisting after backbend, twisting poses are good counter stretch for the back.

After getting the hang of Low Lunge Pose, try the High Lunge for more intense strengthening of lower body muscles.
Remember, find your balance and focus. You can do different variations of High Lunge according to your capabilities. There are different variations of backbends, forward bends and twisting for this pose.

Listen to your body, don't forget to breathe. Some of you might experience breathing hard during twisting pose, it is because the upper  body is not yet fully open enough to create spaces for chest to breath comfortably.

Feel free to comment or suggest. See you all again next time for the Part II of this article. Namaste.

Thursday 15 October 2015

BEDasanas: Rest and Sleep with these poses

Sleep is the best meditation. -Dalai Lama

Have you felt being tired and sleepy but you can not sleep at all? I always feel that everytime I'm exhausted from work or when travel. My body and mind wants to sleep but my soul does not allow me to do so.

Let me share with you some asanas that help me to rest and feel relax at night and send me to dreamland afterwards. These asanas are my personal choices or variations for my own comfort. You might want to find your own sweet resting variation. Remember, you want to stretch to rest and sleep not stretch to refuel your body to become awake.

There are some forward bends that relaxes the mind and the heart like Butterfly pose or Baddha Konasana. This pose helps release fatigue from work.
Personally, Plow Pose or Halasana gives me a good stretch for my entire back especially lower back. This pose is a big help for back benders.  
Who doesn't enjoy 'Legs Up the Wall Pose' or Viparita Karani. This pose is very effective in regulating the blood flow.
Happy Baby Pose or Ananda Balasana, calms the brain and relieves stress.

Anulom Vilom or Alternate Nostril Breathing - This Pranayama relaxes the brain and removes the toxins in the body.

Finally, Sleeping time. Good night.

Take Note, There are so many poses that you can do, not just the pictures or asanas showed on this article. You can meditate or sing a prayer or a mantra. Sleep is very important, there are many reasons why do we need to have a better sleep at night.

Make your BEDasanas and sleep! Namaste.

Monday 12 October 2015

Yoga Workshop: Athletes and Dancers

Dios te salve colegio querido
Gloriati noble Centro Escolar
Del amor a la patria sanctuario
De la cencia triumfante solar.

Mientras puedan el himno sonoro
Del amor a sus almas cantar
Gritaran sus alumnus a coro
Gloria ti noble Centro Escolar.

Dios te salve colegio querido
Gloriati noble Centro Escolar
Del amor a la patria sanctuario
De la cencia triumfante solar.

Centro Escolar! Centro Escolar!

Centro Escolar University is not a new place to me. This pink walls of Mendiola, Manila in the Philippines became my home for 4 years. I was a cheerleader when I was in first and second year in college and during my third year and fourth year, I was the PRO of the University Student Council and became the President for my senior years.

I know what does it feels like to be a varsity player - practice after 5 pm, performances during school events and endless physical training every school holidays. During my stay in Manila last 9th to 11th of October, I was lucky enough to give workshops to my fellow Escolarians. Walking inside the familiar hallways made me smile. 

Savasana after the practice.
The first class that I had was with the Volleyball players. Sun Salutation and stretching was the main course that I gave to the team. I can still imagine and hear their 'ahhhhs' when they are trying to slide forward from Chaturangga to Upward Facing Dog. I salute them for attending the workshop after their Volleyball training.

Trying different variations of Pigeon Pose with the Folk Dance Troupe
The next class was the Back bend workshop with the very classy dancers of the CEU Folk Dance Troupe. These teenagers were given an amazing training with their Dance Master, Mr. Marciano Viri, that's why, I gave them extra scoop of back bend and hip opening exercises  - Pigeon, Locust, Dancer's Pose and Bow are the toppings of the practice.

Group Picture with the Pep Squad and Street Squad
And the last class was with the Pep Squad and Street Squad. Tumbling and Handstands are common skills that these athletes practice, so to make them work on their core strength and flexibility, I taught them how to execute different variations of headstands, forearm balances and arm balances such as Bakasana, Titibhasana and Koundinyasana. I did not realized that they will enjoy the whole process of the inversion class.

I came to the University with my yoga mat and knowledge about yoga. I finished the workshop and came home bringing the joy, energy, enthusiasm and experience from the Escolarian Athletes and Dancers. I hope that's not my first and last workshop with them. :) I hope that I can do more workshops to other young athletes someday! It was a great experience indeed.

Sunday 4 October 2015

3 Effective Asanas: Yoga for Gaining Muscle Mass

If you do not have big triceps, big biceps and 6 packs of abs it does not mean you can not do any yoga asanas. Believe it or not I do not have the big guns nor 6 pack abs, all I have is knowledge how to use my inner strength to execute an asana that you might think requires huge muscles.

Let me share to you my dear small size people (like me) some of the asanas that you can perform in your daily yoga practice or even during your break time at work or before going to breakfast or sleep.

I believe that these asanas really work for the building arm and abdominal strength, back and leg muscles.

 Boat Pose (Navasana)
1. Extend the legs  up parallel to you knees (and when you are stronger, try to raise the feet parallel to your head)
2. Lift the chest up, lengthen the spin.
3. Balance on your sitting bone.
Note: Grab your legs if you can't still balance or rest your hands behind your back. If you can balance, extend them forward and engage them until the tip of your fingers.
]Lolasana (Swing Pose)
1. If you can not do a lotus pose then you can just simply cross your legs in this asana.
2. Place your palms on the ground.
3. Slowly raise your body from the floor. 
4. Find the balance and make sure to contract your abdomen and pelvic floor.
Note: Eventually you want to strengthen those legs parallel to your hips

 Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana)
1. Rest your palms firmly on the ground
2. Neutral neck you can look forward or the top part of your mat.
3. Contract and engage your abdomen.
4. Engage your quads, legs, tighs and glutes  (make them hard!)
5. Lengthen the spine.
And when you are ready for more challenge, try side plank and other variations of plank.

Always be aware of your body, be aware of your wrists when you are performing asanas that requires arm strength. Don't ever force your self in a pose. Try it slowly. Breathe.

Believe it or not these asanas helped me to achieve my press handstand and other inversion poses like head stand and fore arm balances. Remember you do not need to have big muscles just to perform asanas.
You are not practicing yoga because you have big muscles, you are practicing because you want to gain muscles, learn new things and appreciate your body. Yoga  is for everyone who are willing to surrender and learn.
I hope this article can help you move forward to your journey. Everyday is always a chance for us to learn! Don't waste your time in regretting and telling yourself 'Owwww gosh If only(s)'. Let amazing yoga pictures of yogis inspire you to have your own journey. Dream and target a yoga pose and work hard for it. I tell you, achieving your dream pose is like winning a Bingo or a raffle draw, it feels good! Namaste'.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Vegetarian Alert: 100% Vegetarian Vitamins

Recently I found a treasure inside Metro - Centre Point Mall in Somerset along Orchard Road. I can't believe that these Vegetarian Vitamins are existing in Singapore. Quickly I checked the internet about this brand and I just saw few reviews, maybe because the brand is still new in the country. They just had been approved by the Food and Drug Administration last 2011 and 2013.

When I was looking at the products I noticed that they are not just offering the normal vitamins that we are taking. They also offer supplements for the hair, nails, whitening (glutathione), weight loss and weight gain. And if you are a shopper in Singapore, you love to see coloured dots on the product. If happened that the product has a blue dot or yellow dot, it means it has a discount!
Without any hesitation, I grabbed the Zinc 250 and the Vitamin B-Complex with Vitamin C, I paid 20 Singapore Dollars for both! Now, I am taking my second bottles for both supplements. Heaven and Earth blessed me because I don't feel any discomfort inside my body but I noticed that I want to eat all the time, which is good for me because I want to gain weight.

For more information about this brand visit the link 21st Century .
Thank you everyone! Namaste'.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Part 1: Yoga Home Tools

True enough, that even great warriors need rest. Admit it. Sometimes you just want to stay in your bed and say...

Photo from Café Press
As much as we try to practice yoga everyday. There will always be a 'BED WEATHER DAY'. Some people practice the most easiest yoga flow or series for their rest day (lazy day). Some don't really do anything, sometimes, I'm like that. But whenever I see our purple couch, it gives me an opportunity to stretch my back and shoulders, and sometimes my hamstrings and quads too.
Stretching is and will always be a good help for our resting bodies. Let me share to everyone how to use your home tools specifically your couch, pillows and chair to stretch your body.
Breath in and breath out feel the gentle backbend stretch.

Use the pillow to adjust your body. It'll give a new stretch to other parts of your muscles, joints and bones.

Use a chair to give extra stretch to your upper back and shoulders. Make sure that you don't force yourself to grab the chair just to have a deep stretch. Surrender and let go. It's just like doing your drop backbends.
Do a supported camel. Use the handle of your couch for a good and safe support. You don't need to worry about your knees! They are fully protected.

There are so many ways to stretch your quads and hamstrings using the couch. My favourite is pigeon pose and low lunge. If your couch happens to have small foam like a mat, you can grip it to give stability when you move backwards.

There are more ways on how to use your couch, chairs, and pillows. Next time I'll share more other home tools that I'm using for my home stretching. I hope this article will be a good help for your personal practice. Don't forget to suggest! Namaste'.