Tuesday 29 September 2015

Vegetarian Alert: 100% Vegetarian Vitamins

Recently I found a treasure inside Metro - Centre Point Mall in Somerset along Orchard Road. I can't believe that these Vegetarian Vitamins are existing in Singapore. Quickly I checked the internet about this brand and I just saw few reviews, maybe because the brand is still new in the country. They just had been approved by the Food and Drug Administration last 2011 and 2013.

When I was looking at the products I noticed that they are not just offering the normal vitamins that we are taking. They also offer supplements for the hair, nails, whitening (glutathione), weight loss and weight gain. And if you are a shopper in Singapore, you love to see coloured dots on the product. If happened that the product has a blue dot or yellow dot, it means it has a discount!
Without any hesitation, I grabbed the Zinc 250 and the Vitamin B-Complex with Vitamin C, I paid 20 Singapore Dollars for both! Now, I am taking my second bottles for both supplements. Heaven and Earth blessed me because I don't feel any discomfort inside my body but I noticed that I want to eat all the time, which is good for me because I want to gain weight.

For more information about this brand visit the link 21st Century .
Thank you everyone! Namaste'.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Part 1: Yoga Home Tools

True enough, that even great warriors need rest. Admit it. Sometimes you just want to stay in your bed and say...

Photo from Café Press
As much as we try to practice yoga everyday. There will always be a 'BED WEATHER DAY'. Some people practice the most easiest yoga flow or series for their rest day (lazy day). Some don't really do anything, sometimes, I'm like that. But whenever I see our purple couch, it gives me an opportunity to stretch my back and shoulders, and sometimes my hamstrings and quads too.
Stretching is and will always be a good help for our resting bodies. Let me share to everyone how to use your home tools specifically your couch, pillows and chair to stretch your body.
Breath in and breath out feel the gentle backbend stretch.

Use the pillow to adjust your body. It'll give a new stretch to other parts of your muscles, joints and bones.

Use a chair to give extra stretch to your upper back and shoulders. Make sure that you don't force yourself to grab the chair just to have a deep stretch. Surrender and let go. It's just like doing your drop backbends.
Do a supported camel. Use the handle of your couch for a good and safe support. You don't need to worry about your knees! They are fully protected.

There are so many ways to stretch your quads and hamstrings using the couch. My favourite is pigeon pose and low lunge. If your couch happens to have small foam like a mat, you can grip it to give stability when you move backwards.

There are more ways on how to use your couch, chairs, and pillows. Next time I'll share more other home tools that I'm using for my home stretching. I hope this article will be a good help for your personal practice. Don't forget to suggest! Namaste'.

Friday 25 September 2015

Storytelling: The CONTROVERSIAL BOOK - Who's in a family?

Why is it controversial? LISTEN, WATCH and READ.

This book was published in the year 1997, written by Robert Skutch. This book became controversial in Massachusetts in the  United States before it became a big issue in Singapore last 2014. Some people even filed law suit against a particular school having this book. The 32 pages book was almost banned because of the way it was presented to the public specifically because it is a children's book.
Read, listen and see the pictures. Why this vibrant book became a big controversy in Massachusetts and in Singapore?

Enjoy listening to my very Filipino way of Reading! :)

Monday 21 September 2015

Move Up Side Down - Yoga Inversion Poses

Make it a habit to go topsy turvy!

Inversion poses are fun! Especially if you have strong core muscles. Take note, having 6 packs doesn't necessarily mean you can easily go up side down, BIG NO. You need to know how to use your muscles, not only your guns (biceps and triceps) but also your abdomen muscles, back muscles and pelvis. And let us include your legs, quads and hamstrings too. 

There are so many inversion poses and different kinds of variations to learn and perform! Even the most impossible inversion pose that you can think of, surely one or three people can do it. That's how amazing our bodies can do. No worries there are poses for beginners and of course for advance yoga practitioners. Let me share to everyone some amazing yogis on instagram who exudes strength, grace, power and beauty. All of these yogis are not just physically beautiful they are also humble and amazing!

Hung Nguyen of Vietnam

Yenny Christine of Indonesia

Nor Soraya Ghazalie Saw of Malaysia

Inversion poses can  improve blood circulation, it means better concentration and memory! Practising inversions can give you inner strength, good balance and posture. It helps to develop good upper body strength and stronger abdomen, beautiful and toned legs and arms.
Jani Jaatinen of Finland

Martin Elianto of Indonesia
Marc Isip of the Philippines

Believe it or not, 3 years ago, my flexibility was nothing. It was like a sculpture without form and grace; Even my strength was not capable of doing even a simple handstand or bakasana. But until now I am learning, and I am learning so much! I thank God for giving me amazing teachers who I admire a lot. These Real Yoga (Name of the studio) teachers are the reasons why I can do the asanas that I can perform now. They are pushing me hard in a good way without hurting my self. I'm sure if I did not join Real Yoga 2 years ago, I'm still the same old me. No headstand, No scorpion,  No handstand and No improvement.

Master Saumik Bera / My Hatha, Body Opening and Inversion Teacher
Master Manoj Kumar / My Backbend and Forward Bend Teacher

This Young, strong and vibrant Yoga Teacher is the reason why I signed up to Real Yoga. I attended a 'Trial Class' 2 years ago and his Stretch Class was the start of my Yoga Journey. Thank you, Master Maninder!
Make it a habit to practice and go topsy turvy. For sure it will give you confidence and happiness! Make it happen, work hard and be safe!

Below is my Pike Press Handstand Practice. I learned Handstand after 2 years of practice in Yoga! It never came in an over night practice. Now I'm almost practising for 3 Years and my Press Handstand is a gift! Still work in progress but I'm very grateful with the result.


Thursday 17 September 2015

Travel Bites: Beach Yoga in Bali, Indonesia

Morning has broken like the first morning,
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for the singing,
Praise for the morning,
Praise for them springing fresh from the world.

Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven,
Like the first dewfall on the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden,
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass.

Mine is the sunlight,
Mine is the morning,
Born of the one light Eden saw play.
Praise with elation, praise ev'ry morning,
God's recreation of the new day.

Morning has broken...

I just wanna sing this song, when beautiful nature shows up.

Hanumanasana on the Earth and Water

Hanumanasana in the Air!
After my training in Rishikesh, India, I often wake up as early as 6am to practice yoga because of work.

During my stay in Merecure Hotel in Bali, Indonesia, I was lucky enough that the hotel is just across the beach. Before departing from Singapore, I promised myself to practice yoga early morning to feel the ocean breeze and the sand, witness the sun rise and hear the sound of the waves and chirping birds.

The place is very motivating to practice because there are so many people doing there own exercises.

Handstand is love

Bendy Back Morning Practice
Bali is not only famous with the beach, villas, temples, bars, food and spa it is also popular with yoga classes and of course meditation classes. If you happened to visit Bali, try at least one morning, wake up early and exercise or attend a yoga class or a meditation class by the beach. You'll not regret it!

Be happy! Namaste.

Sunday 13 September 2015

SOULSCAPE 2015: Singapore Yoga Festival

#SOULSCAPESG                                                photo by: SOULSCAPE
It's my first time to attend a big yoga event and it was indeed awesome! The organizers of the event are just phenomenal. The workshops in different 'Tribes' were simultaneously happening from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm!
Soulscape gave everyone a very good start before the practice because once you register you'll receive a goody bag with different fliers, food, lotion , clothes vouchers, spa discounts and free yoga classes coupons! And if you have a full access ticket you'll receive and amazing yoga mat from Real Yoga!
Free Goody Bags Photo by: Real Yoga SG
Free Yoga Mat     Photo by: Real Yoga SG
If you are a yoga addict for sure you'll love the workshops! Let me give you some interesting classes  held in each 'Tribes': Inversions and Dynamic Splits by Saumik Bera at the Warrior Pavilion, Acro Yoga by Marc Bauchet and Kalari Yoga by Amanda Koh at the Eagle View Pavillion, Sound Meditation by Amber Sawyer and Embodied Dance by Daniel Rojas at the Spiritual Rock and in the Community Pavilion some classes held were Tahitian Dance by the Tahiti Dance Fitness  and Backbend class by Manoj Deshwal. While Abang, Kakak, Mummy, Daddy, Aunty, Uncle, Po Po and Yeye were enjoying yoga classes in different tribes, children were enjoying too! Fun activities are well prepared for the little angels like kids yoga, kids acro yoga and parkour for kids! You'll never be dehydrated attending the classes because there are free mineral waters. :)
A Little Acro Yoga with Kathy Foo and Marc Bauchet    Photo By: Kathy Foo
Master Pravesh and I trying to fly!

It was indeed a blessing last Saturday, the breeze at Tanjong Beach in Sentosa is very strong that the haze is moving off quickly. And of course, everyone enjoyed the not so cloudy and not so sunny day. That is why #selfies, #StopDropAndYoga and #StrikeAPose are everywhere! 

Master Saumik Bera, Teacher and Founder of Real Yoga            Photo By: Saumik Bera
All patiently waiting for the Sunset Yoga
Stretching before Moon Salutation
All yogis concluded the event in a very soulful Sunset Yoga by Saumik Bera and Cristi Christesen with live DJ-ying by Maneesh de Moor. In all festivals there's always an after party, and yes! Music and Dance last until 9:45 PM. 
I salute all the organizers of the event! A big thanks to In the Loop and Real Yoga!

 PS: I love checking these HASHTAGS on Instagram #soulscape #soulscapesg #soulscape2015 , check out the videos and pictures and you'll feel the positive energy, love and joy happened last Saturday at Tanjong Beach.


I can't wait for next year's Soulscape. Namaste.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Travel Bites: "Uluwatu's Rama and Sita" Bali, Indonesia

The Magnificent Bali!

I was able to feel her love even just for 3 days.
I spent my day one in my very simple and refreshing hotel room after good lunch. Around 3 pm, I visited a temple in Uluwatu. I was surprised that the breeze is really cool amidst Mr. Sun's striking sunshine. The place is beautiful, the mountains, ocean, scenario - I felt like I was in the Disney's 'Brave' setting. I did quick #StopDropAndYoga before I watch an epic story of Ramayana.
Ramayana is a great Indian Literature and it is very popular to Countries with Hinduism beliefs. In Bali, 90 % of Balinese are Hindu. Even before Hinduism arrived in Bali, Balinese are already celebrating different kinds of festivals and beliefs. Some people describe Bali as an Island of Hinduism or / and Island of Temples because literally there are temples and prayer alters everywhere. Imagine an 'Indian' Hinduism Religion style including 'Balinese' own versions of religious festivals, rituals, celebrations and norms. For sure there are difference but they will always have common denominator - Hinduism.

According to Uluwatu's production of Rama and Sita story, every visitor should watch at least one dance in Bali and Uluwatu's own version of Kecak Ramayana and Fire Dance should be the one to be witness. The local actors, choir and dancers are funny and extra ordinary. The choir's  lung power is incredible! The group sing, dance and move non-stop for 60 minutes. The costumes and make-up of the actors are beautiful too!
(All photos were captured from far using a smart phone.)
The (Macho) Choir
Let me share to everyone a short summary of the story. This synopsis was taken from the actual performance of Uluwatu's Kecak Ramayana and Fire Dance.

Rama and Sita
Sita and the Golden Deer
ACT 1:
Wandering in the forest of Dandaka during the exile of Rama. Sita sees a beautiful golden deer dancing in front of her, she pleads with her husband to catch it. Rama, fearful of what may befall Sita if left alone in the dangerous forest, leaves Sita in the protection of his brother Laksamana. Shortly after Rama's departure a cry for help echoes around the forest. Fearful of her husband's safety, Sita sends Laksamana to his aid leaving herself unprotected and alone.
The Scary Rhawana
Rhawana as an old man
ACT 2:
A sudden storm envelops the forest and Sita becomes fearful, Rhawana appears before her but she is protected by a magic circle and his attempt to seize he fails. He disappears only to come back disguised as a poor old man seeking shelter and water (Bhagawan). SIia falls for Rhawana's trick and he kidnapped her. Taking Sita to his palace, Alengka. Rhawana is attack along the way by his mortal enemy, Garuda. Long enough to tell Rama what has happened to Sita.
Finding Sita
ACT 3:
On his search for Sita, Rama meets Sugriwa, the Red Monkey King whose help he enlists to find his wife. Together they select a scout to find Alengka and locate Sita. Hanuman, a White Monkey with magical powers is chosen and Rama provides him with a ring to give to Sita as a token of his love and as a proof of Hanuman being his envoy.
Hanuman the white monkey
ACT 4:
Hanuman locates Alengka and enlists the help of Trijata to meet with Sita who is about to take her own life in despair. Hanuman shows Sita the ring and tells of her husbands impending rescue attempt. Hanuman then attempts to destroy part of the place and is caught by giants who attempt to burn him to death. He escapes causing much mayhem throughout the city.

Hanuman escaping the wall of fire
The Final Battle

ACT 5:
Rama is guided to Alengka where the monkey army defeats the army of giant Rama, meets with Rhawana in face to face battle and defeats him. Rama is then reunited with Sita.

The cast


The drama and the choir is very unique and beautiful in so many different ways. I just hope that the production staff will provide a synopsis in different languages not only in English because not all tourists are English speakers. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the show, the sunset and the view.

I hope I'll be able to visit Bali again! :)